We have ministries for the whole family. Check them out below.

Children’s Ministry
Our hope at Revelation Church, is that we would minister to everyone no matter the age. Each Sunday, your child will be loved on, prayed for and encouraged. We have structured times of singing, crafts, and Bible stories for our Littles. Revelation Kidz will join our adults for praise and worship in “big” church and then go to their class afterwards. Then they will experience upbeat praise music, enthusiastic teaching from God’s word and whole lot of fun!

Awaken Youth – 6th-12th grade
Our youth meet every Wednesday Night at 7:00. This is a time for our teens to gather, connect, snack, and grow in their faith. Zachary is a Bible student at Andrew Womack Ministries and he’s a great teacher. He and Savannah have a heart for young people and want to teach them all the tools they need to succeed in the teenage years and beyond.
They also have youth services occasionally, weekend retreats and attend Youth Camp each summer. Come check it out!

The men of Revelation Church meet once a month to eat, fellowship, pray together and encourage one another. We believe that one of the best ways to get involved is to attend these meetings. Just as iron sharpens iron, we believe men need each other to challenge, equip, and encourage one another to follow God and live life well. Regardless of your age or background, from businessman to outdoorsman, there are plenty of opportunities to get involved in our men’s ministry.

Ladies Gather
Our ladies don’t get together quite as often as the men but we do have several gatherings during the year. Ladies encouraging other ladies is a beautiful thing. Vision boards, yummy dinners, fellowship, and games remind us that it’s okay to still have fun. Prayer and Bible study feeds our soul. We always leave refreshed!
Our ladies also help coordinate events, decorate the church for special events and help keep our children’s ministry going. There’s a place for you!